
Compensation Plan: Your Monthly Check

doTERRA Compensation Plan: Your Monthly Check

If you ever considered becoming a doTERRA wellness advocate, you might wonder how wellness advocates are paid. Wellness advocates are paid weekly on brand new enrollments or signups and are paid monthly on your organizational sales and repeat orders. doTERRA either sends wellness advocates a check in the mail* or by direct deposit to your bank account. *this varies from country to country. This article is a breakdown of the income shown in the income disclosure. There are different components to the monthly check: Power of 3 Structure Bonus, Leadership or Diamond Bonus, and Unilevel Commission, Preferred Member Bonus and Retail Profit. We have received monthly income from doTERRA every month since August 2010. Understanding the compensation plan has helped us set goals and targets.

The Three Major Components

The Power of 3 Bonus is a monthly achievement bonus, as long as you achieve a certain structure for the month you qualify to receive $50, $250, or $1500 The Leadership or Diamond Bonus is a monthly achievement bonus, as long as you achieve a rank by having a qualifying volume or teams, you receive a share of doTERRA's total monthly sales. 2% of monthly sales is shared with all the qualifying Silver, Gold, and Platinum ranked wellness advocates. 4% of monthly sales is shared with qualifying Diamonds, Blue Diamonds, and Presidential Diamonds. In the past few years the Leadership Bonus is between $130-150 on average per share. Bonus Definition

Qualifying Silvers receive 1 Share or $130-150. Qualifying Golds receive 5 shares or $750 average. Qualifying Platinums receive 10 shares or $1500 on average. There are opportunities to qualify for more shares. Diamonds receive an average of $4000 bonus. I asked a question on the Facebook group what Blue Diamonds and the Presidential Diamond Bonus. Blue Diamonds $11,000 and Presidential Diamonds $30,000.

Unilevel Commission is where the bulk of your check in the long run. The Power of 3 Bonus and the Leadership/Diamond Bonus are bonuses or money added to your monthly for good performance. Although $1500 or $4000 bonus sounds exciting what's even more exciting is the 5%* commission you receive on repeat orders in your organization. 5% doesn't seem exciting at first. On a $100 order, that's a $5 commission, but as your organization grows to thousands of people, it adds up. *Unilevel Commission start at 2% and goes up to 7%

The Other Components

Preferred Member bonus are paid on sales of personally enrolled preferred members. Retail Profit are the profit of products sold on your retail website.

Founder's Club Bonus are a limited to select wellness advocates that help open a country.

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