
Back to School & Emotional Wellness

Happy School Days!  

For those of you with children, they will either be walking back into their newly modified classrooms, while some will be waking up and going to their at-home classroom space. Whatever it looks like for your child this school semester, it’s going to be different. During these uncertain times, you’ll do whatever it takes to keep your children safe, and as a parent, you’ll do whatever it takes to keep yourself sane. 

I’m sure you’re all feeling it by now. Staying at home, going to work with modifications, homeschooling. Whatever it looks like for you, it’s taking a toll on us, our children, the people we know and love. Even if you aren’t a parent, these restrictions are taking a toll on us whether you know it or not. I work from home and even I’ve been getting more emotional than what’s normal for me. haha. 

This is why I’m so glad to have a toolbox filled with several different tools to keep everyone happy, healthy, and emotionally stable. Here are some of my best tips to help with this transition for back to school, back to work, everyday life.

Let's get started!! 

Diffuser blends are great for getting those oils in the air to help support our immune systems, focus on the task at hand, and reducing those stressful moments. Quality sleep is one of the ways we combat low immune systems. Make sure you're getting enough quality sleep at night so you wake up refreshed for the new day. Here are some ways you can make sure you're days are as pleasant as possible. 
Turn the diffuser on when you wake up, during the day, when you get home from work/school, during study time, before/during bedtime, the possibilities are endless with a diffuser! Check out all the great blends and oils you can choose from! What are you most excited to try? 

Have children going back to the classroom? If a mask 😷 is required, please take a moment to read through some of these great tips below 👇🏼  
If your child isn't used to wearing a mask for long periods of time, play fun games with them at home to get used to having that mask on their face. You could do hide and seek while wearing masks as a family! How fun would that be? From a teacher's perspective, keep things fun and positive. Your child will be more excepting of this new change. My favorite oils to put in my mask is Breathe, Stronger, Balance, or Lemon. Remember, one drop is more than enough. Great for children and adults alike. You can also put these oils on the bottom of your child's feet before heading out, when they get home, and before bed.   

Nutrition is also a huge part of keeping our immune systems up and emotional wellness in check. When we're on a path of eating unhealthy, it can have a few unnoticeable effects on our immune system and mental wellness. I speak from experience. A few years ago, I started on a journey to incorporate better foods into my diet. Instead of eating a ton of fried foods, I cut back and only had fried foods once in a while, added more veggies, fruits for dessert, cutting back on sugars... that sort of thing. Don't get me wrong, I'll still have sweets and all that, I like to say I'm healthy-ish. But when I started making better food choices, I noticed that I had more energy, I wasn't catching a cold every 6 months, and I noticed that I was happier, more vibrant. When I don't make those good choices over a period of time, I notice that I fall into a slump and feel like not doing anything for a few days. So, in short, it just takes a few good choices to change the way we feel and to keep our immune systems up. Here are just a few things that we can use to supplement our nutrition. Don't wait until you feel something. Start now so things can be prevented. There are a lot of oils that can be used throughout the day to help deal with our emotions as well. 


Overall, there are so many oils to choose from that aren't even mentioned here. If you're feeling overwhelmed and don't know where you want to start, a great starting place is with dōTERRA's Kids Collection. These beautiful blends are designed with your children in mind. They are color-coded for easy recognition, the oils used are gentle on the skin, it's based in fractionated coconut oil, the roller bottle top makes it easy to just pull out and roll-on, AND it comes with a cute carrying case and convenient silicone bag clips!! It's not only for your little ones but great for you as well. I carry these all around with me, so if I can benefit from these, I know you will too. 

Have a safe back to school!!

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